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MNF ESPN Picks: Patriots-Saints Top Cyber Monday Deals
Nov 30th, 2009

If you are excited about Marc Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton getting engaged, the Tiger Woods accident rumors or the Tiger Woods mistress pictures, you are probably more interested in the entertainment and political betting odds section. Cyber Monday best deals for sports fans are being gobbled up faster than groupons, zhu zhu pets, and extrabux.

Still the best way to earn extra bucks for that meal at the Bedford Post is with winning sports picks.

One of the best pro handicappers Matt Rivers says go with the over in the Patriots-Saints game. SportsBook has the total at 56.5.
Let me preface this by saying that I am not a totals player because more times than not over-unders are crapshoots that can truly go either way. But tonight I do see some value in the over and will make a small play on said high.
The total is certainly extremely high and pretty much as hefty as you will ever see in an NFL game. It is asking a ton to get over this hurdle but in my professional opinion 40-37 is a lot more likely than 20-17 which leads to a far greater upside on that over.
Could the defenses rise up a bit and this game stay under the number? Sure it could as this is far from the lock of my life but we could also see 24-21 with these two offenses and one of those hindsight situations where this was never really in doubt.
You know that Drew Brees and the high flying Saints will put up points with Colston and Bush and Thomas and Bell and Henderson and Meachem and on and on. You also know that one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game in Tom Brady will cause a ton of damage with Randy Moss and Wes Welker doing their thing.
Call me a square for sounding like every Joe Schmo that would call for this thing to go over. But at times those people are even right and I see this as being one of those times.
If this game is played 100 times I see it going over a lot more than 50 and that is the bottom line creating the value.

Rivers says bet the ESPN Monday Night Football Game over the total.

For more information: There is absolutely no reason to tinker with any games on the hardwoods tonight says Rivers. I have this monster NFL winner, period. Click now to purchase Matt Rivers Saints-Patriots spread picks.

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