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Marshall Beats Ohio as Pro Bettors Overcome Rick Minter Blunders
Dec 26th, 2009

No, America’s only living Grandmaster sports handicapper Joe Duffy can’t explain what Rick Minter was thinking with some of the most bizarre coaching seen in recent times. Pitching the ball five yards behind the line of scrimmage against an eight-in-the-box defense when all Marshall needed was a foot was bizarre enough.

But up by four on fourth and one, Minter seemed to have an obvious choice. Convert a yard and the game is over. Fail to convert and Ohio needs to go 81 yards and get a touchdown. Miss a field goal and Ohio needs to only go 75 yards and score a touchdown. Kick a field goal and Ohio still only needs a touchdown, but gets a chance to make a big play on special teams.

So Minter decides to give Ohio a chance to block a field goal. Marshall was probably better off missing than making the field goal as to not give Ohio a chance for a big kickoff return or to get fantastic position on a short kick.

Despite Minter giving Ohio every chance in the world, GodsTips nails a Wise Guy on Marshall. Here was the analysis from the advisor to professional bettors the world over:

It’s a major mismatch at the point of attack. The Bobcats struggle against the run. DE Notrestin and Stafford Gatling lack size and strength LB Lee Renfro and Erik Fjike take questionable angles. Marshall is technically sound on the offensive line and RB Darius Marshall will find the corners as he has better speed that Ohio’s overmatched defense.

On offense, Ohio depends on misdirection but DE Albert McClellan won’t bit. The Thundering Herd has a disruptive defensive line.

Marshall was an underachieving team. That’s why head Coach Mark Snyder resigned. They also struggled down the stretch. But that is the type of team that feasts off of having time to adjust and regroup.

For more information: Joe Duffy has his picks part of GodsTips, anchor of A long-time veteran of the sports betting industry, Duffy got his start at Dial Sports 976 Dial It service and eventually became the most decorated scorephone handicapper in history.

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Mike Godsey is the lead NFL handicapper for Godspicks, featured at
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