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MLB Scores: Yankees Beat the Baseball Odds Tonight
May 25th, 2010

Does betting on your own have you in more hot water with the bookmaker than Kwame Kilpatrick or the Lindsay Lohan ankle bracelet?

Super baseball handicapper Matt Rivers of says take the Yankees on the road. They are laying 110 at Minnesota at Bodog

The Twins have been very good so far on the young season but they never seem to be able to beat the Yankees and at this cheap price I’ll back AJ Burnett and the Bombers, even on the road at Target Field.

Mauer and Morneau are great and Ron Gardenhire continues to prove he is an elite manager but the Yankees are the Yankees. Sure they just looked very mediocre against the Mets and Red Sox and are a good ways behind the Rays in the division but this team has been and should continue to be the big brother in this series. Arod, Tex and Jeter are great and now back in an AL format should feel more comfortable than in the Interleague action.

Scott Baker has quality stuff and could hold his own but AJ Burnett is in the midst of a fine season and gets the nod when comparing the two. I can see both guys look good and I can see both guys get hit a bit. But all in all at the very worst the comparison is a wash as Burnett is probably the superior hurler.

Minnesota has been very good at home this season but without the Metrodome I really think they lose some of that home field advantage. The white dome that created so many issues for visitors is gone and the turf does not appear to be as fast here no longer helping out the homeboys as much.

To basically get Burnett and the bigger boppers of the Big Bad Yankees and not have to lay that much more than a pick is enough to make a small play on the New Yorkers today.

MLB baseball odds pick: NY Yankees

Posted by Matt Rivers (Profile) | Permalink | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)
Matt is a handicapping expert who was the all time winning handicapper on a large network of websites.
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